What is an Off Market Listing?

Answer provided by Neil B. Garfinkel REBNY Broker Counsel Partner-in-charge of real estate and banking practices at Abrams Garfinkel Margolis Bergson, LLP Answer: “Off-market” commonly indicates that the property is not listed for sale or has not been listed on a multiple listing service. REBNY and most MLS’s expressly forbid the promotion of exclusive listings as […]

15 or 30-Year Fixed Rate Mortgage, which one is right for you?

Answer provided by Rafael Reyes, Originating Branch Manager at Cross Country Mortgage LLC. Do you want lower monthly payments now or do you want to pay off your home faster? That’s one of the primary questions to answer when deciding between a 30-year fixed mortgage or a 15-year fixed mortgage. 15-Year Mortgage You have 15 […]

What to know about Assistance Animals in Buildings with Pet Restrictions

Information provided by Neil B. Garfinkel, REBNY Broker Counsel, Partner-in-charge of real estate and banking practices at Abrams Garfinkel Margolis Bergson, LLP Many residential buildings in NYC have pet restrictions and policies such as “no pets,” “no dogs,” “cats only,” etc. While pets are not a protected class under the Fair Housing Act (“FHA”), a housing […]

Rent Stabilization De-Regulation in a 421a Building

Answer provided by Neil B. GarfinkelREBNY Broker CounselPartner-in-charge of real estate and banking practices at Abrams Garfinkel Margolis Bergson, LLP Question: It is my understanding that the Housing Stability and Tenant Protection Act (“HSTPA”) generally prohibits deregulation of rent stabilized apartments (meaning that a rent stabilized apartment will never become a free-market rate apartment). Does that […]