Here’s a list of things you can recycle besides the usual paper or plastic:D
PLEASE NOTE: Not all recycling centers accept everything. To find out what yours take, call 800-CLEANUP or go to www.recyclingcenters.org.
Cell Phones.
The Wireless Foundation refurbishes old cell phones to give to domestic-violence survivors (www.calltoprotect.org); for more information on other cell phone charities, log on to www.recyclewirelessphones.com.
You can return used computers to their manufacturers for recycling (check www.mygreenelectronics.com for a list of vendors) or donate them to a charitable organization.
Nike’s reuse-a-shoe program (www.letmeplay.com/reuseashoe) accepts old sneakers (any brand) and recycles them into courts for various sports so kids around the world have a place to play.
Plastic Shopping Bags
You may be able to drop them off at your local grocery store. (To find other stores, go to www.plasticbagrecycling.org).
Best Buy will remove and recycle a set when it delivers a new one. Or bring old ones to Office Depot to be recycled. Got a Sony TV? Take it to a drop-off center listed at www.sony.com/recycle.
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